1 – The objective of data collection.

In compliance with the provisions in the Ruling (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council the 27th of April 2016, relating to the protection of physical persons, the collection of personal data and the free movement of this data ( General Ruling on Data Protection or GRDP), in the Constitutional Law 3/2018 on the 5th of December on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights ( The Constitutional Law 3/2018) and in the Decree 534/2002 on the 11th of July on the Information Society and Electronic Commercial Services (ISECS) ( Decree 34/2002), we inform you that ARTIDIDAKTIK S. L.n will engage in the processing of personal data provided by you for the following purposes :

To manage the buying process of the tickets requested by the customer ( in addition to the clearance of both revenue and commissions generated from ticket sales between the two co producing Companies of “The Dalí Challenge”)

To monitor and respond to queries that you make on the contact forms provided on the web site ( Visitor Assistance).

To send you information, newsletters, special offers and business news via e mail or any other means of contact provided by you to both promote and advertise products, services, and events organised by ARTIDIDAKTIK similar to the commercial activities related to the Company, on the outset, based on the legitimate interest expressed to the Company by the current legislation (art 6.1f) GRDP and article 21.2 (ISECS). However, you may reject all data collection and sharing at any time by using the various means provided in all our communication with you or in fact, you can do so right now by ticking  the boxes which we have specifically provided for this purpose before the SEND MY PERSONAL DETAILS button. If at any point you provide us with third party personal data, it is your obligation to inform the third party beforehand of the full details of this Clause, clearly indicating the extent of damages and infringements that could occur in the event of any breach of duty in the context of Information.


2 – Responsability of data collection

The Company ARTDIDAKTIK S. L. is responsible for the processing of your personal data and is referred to as the responsible parties  for processing insofar as it has conjointly established the purposes and the means of processing as is reflected in article 26 RGPD. 

ARTDIDAKTIK, S. L. with tax identity number B-67.581.462 and a registered office at Mayor de Sarriá Street, number 5, 1°2A, 08017, Barcelona, providing the following e – mail address in relation to the process of personal data referred to in this Clause :

3 – Legal grounds for processing personal data.

The foundation for the legal grounds for processing personal data in order to manage the ticket buying process requested by you and to both monitor and respond to queries that you make by filling out the contact form provided on the website ( Visitor assistance) is twofold : On the one hand the consent that you have provided by ticking the button marked I HAVE  READ AND ACCEPTED THE THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA POLICY as is reflected in article 6.1a (GRDP) and on the other hand, the contractual or precontractual relationship that is established with you as is reflected in article 6.1b (GRDP).

Moreover, the legal foundation that enables the Controller to collect your personal data for both advertising and commercial purposes is the legitimate interest on the part of the company to provide information, newsletters, special offers and business news on products, services and events, similar to  the  comercial activity that may, on the outset, be of interest to you as is reflected in articles 6.1.f (GRDP) and 21.2( ISECS).


4  – Duration of processing.

The personal data required to manage the buying process of the requested tickets will be processed as long as the contractual relationship with you exists.

The personal data required to monitor and respond to your queries on the contact form provided on the web site (Visitor Assistance) will be processed for such a time as is necessary to manage the monitoring of and the response to your queries.

In the case of transmission of information, newsletters, special offers and business news, we will process your data for the purposes previously mentioned for as long as you don’t excercise your right to oppose that, through the various means provided by the Co Controllers .

Finally, we inform you that your personal data will be blocked in the case of  correction or  removal.

The blocking of your details will involve a process of identification and embargo using both technical and organisational measures to impede their use and display, with the exception of making the data available to a judge or the courts, the prosecution service, public administrations, in particular the authorities relative to data protection, for the purpose of seeking responsability in data processing cases but only for the duration of these cases. Once this time has lapsed, the data must be destroyed.


5 – Recipients ( release or contract)

The Company Responsible for the Processing can release  personal data to a second party in the cases in which there is a legal obligation to do so as would be the case with banking institutions when managing the billing of the clients tickets.


6 – Rights of the data holder.

The Co- Controllers are committed to respect and on behalf of the data holder, to facilitate the process of right of access, correction, elimination, opposition, limitation, portability and not to be the object of individual automated decisions on behalf of the affected party, in the terms and within the limits established in the articles 15 to 22 General Regulation of Data Protection.

We hereby  explain briefly the extent and the nature of your rights.


  1. The right of access: You have the right to consult if we are in possession of your personal data and if so, to request information on that data. In addition, we are obliged to respond to, among other things,  why we use your data and to give a detailed account of which exact data we have and who exactly has had access to that data. However, this right is not an absolute right and the right of access may be restricted by the interests of other parties,  in the terms outlined in article 15 (GRDP)

  2. The right of correction: We must correct inexact personal data and complete personal data that is incomplete when requested by you. This right is regulated in article article 21 (GRDP)

  3. The right of elimination ( The right to oblivion): In the event of any of the circumstances outlined in article 17 GRDP, we must delete your personal data at your request. However this right operates with the same limitations as those outlined in the article 17 GRDP.

  4. The right to limitation of data: In the event of any of the circumstances outlined in article 17 GRDP, we must limit our use of your personal data, on your request, in the exact terms outlined in article 18 GRDP.

  5. The right to request data portability: In the event of any  circumstances outlined in article 20 GRDP, you have the right, if you so request , to receive your personal data, which you have made available to us, in a structured format, for public use, machine readable, to have this data transferred to another entity without any opposition from us (including when we are requested to personally transfer the data when that is technically possible). However, this right operates with the limitations outlined in article 20 GRDP.

  6. The right to opposition: In the event of any of the circumstances outlined in article 21 GRDP, you have the right to oppose our use of your personal data. In this case, we are obliged to cease using your data if you so request. This would be the case when personal data is used for marketing or direct merchandising. This right is regulated in the article 21 GRDP

  7. The right not to be an object of automated individual decisions, including profile building: You have the right not to be the object of a decision, solely based on automated data processing, including profile building, that entail legal consequences for you or have a similar profound effect on you. This right is regulated in article 22 GRDP and operates with the limitations outlined therein.


You can excercise these aforementioned rights at any given time by contacting either ARTIDIDAKTIK, SL ( by submitting a letter to the postal address Calle Mayor De Sarriá, number 5, 1°2°, 08017, Barcelona, or sending an e mail to

Your personal data will always be processed in accordance with the required criteria in the General Regulations of Data Protection and the Organic Law 3/2018, implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to guarantee an adequate level of safety from risk, as is outlined in article 32 GRDP.

Finally, we would like to inform you of your right to lodge a formal complaint with a control body when you deem it appropriate.